100-104 W Main St Middletown MD 21769

Wren’s Nest Subscriber’s Code of Conduct

  • At Wren’s Nest, members and non-members alike, deserve to be treated with the utmost respect. While we try hard to make Wren’s Nest a relaxed social environment, aside from the Living Room Wren’s Nest is foremost a work environment. Keep conversations with each other and telephone calls to a quiet level so others can work undisturbed, by using designated areas made available for phone calls and socializing.
  • We appreciate subscribers keeping your areas neat and clean. Housekeeping services are provided, but it is everyone’s responsibility to keep their areas presentable and free of distracting clutter and trash. If you’re unable to remove your trash on your own, feel free to notify the business office so they can assist you.
  • In a co-working atmosphere, we are all here to get our work done and help others do the same. If you can lend a hand, or a pencil, or a jump drive to a fellow subscriber, feel free. We believe in Karma and community. Both will pay you back.
  • The mission of Wren’s Nest is to provide a service and to be profitable, so that we may grow the business and provide the amenities that are important to you. You’ll notice that “provide a service” comes first. For Wren’s Nest to continue to provide the services here we Have faith in our subscribers to police themselves on the honor system. We strive to maintain our amenities and add-ons at Wrens’ Nest at a fair and equitable price. If you’re using a service, make sure to record it on your monthly record.
  • Wren’s Nest will maintain a membership register of subscriber’s profiles so that individuals are able to take advantage of our collective web presence to promote themselves, within reason. Please refrain from directly soliciting your fellow subscribers.
  • There are plenty of opportunities to socialize and get to know each other. However, there are also activities not tolerated in a community such as this, including: Pyramid schemes, Chain Letters, Junk email and Spamming, Defaming, Abusive language, Harassment and threats, Pitching fund raisers (we’re sure your kid is amazing, but we’re not buying Christmas cards, so she can go to London.), and Indecency.) Also, please limit gratuitously insensitive or fractious political talk. We’re all exhausted by it.
  • Our terminology is carefully chosen. Co-working environments are a relatively new category of business requiring specific definition of terms. Considering this, our spaces are reserved by subscription and not rented. When specific spaces are reserved our subscribers and guests should observe the limitations implied and take seating elsewhere in the building.
  • As most subscribers at Wren’s Nest are entrepreneurs, there are privacy issues to consider. Working in proximity and sharing the spaces at Wren’s Nest with like-minded people may give our subscribers access to what are often private business ideas. Also, often subscribers bounce ideas off each other for outside input and insight. That is part of the appeal of co-working. However, ownership of ideas must be respected by all members. Be selective who you share ideas with and take precautions that you don’t share more than you want or listen to more than you should.
  • Be selective and safe when visiting websites and downloading files through the common network. Protective protocols have been put in place to protect our subscribers from cyber-attacks, hacking and ransomware, however the best protection is alert users being attentive to standard safety practices.
  • Act responsibly and be respectful of our other subscribers. Accidents happen and are easily forgiven when members communicate freely and take responsibility for their actions.
  • Wren’s Nest encourages our subscribers, guests, and demonstrators to share their culinary talents. Feel free to accept samples and drinks when offered, but please clean up after yourself. We want to keep this a “humans only” environment.
  • All subscribers receive a copy of this code of conduct, so everyone knows the rules. Self-policing is encouraged for a friendly atmosphere.
  • Wren’s Nest is a smoke-free zone. There can be no Smoking of any kind, anywhere on the Wren’s Nest Property both inside and out.
  • Conserve energy. Turn off extraneous lights when you notice an area is not being used.